All the best laid plans and it still snows!!!! The gives a ten day forecast and I had been checking for the past ten days. The cold was scheduled to arrive today and the chance of precipitation was 10% and then 0% for the next few days. Figured we were safe. The cold arrived on schedule and this afternoon so did the rain, hail and SNOW --- not on schedule. Oh well, hopefully it will have melted by the time we’re ready to leave.

We decided that Zaph needed some exercise so today’s adventure included hiking part of the rim trail (dogs are allowed on paved trails but not on trails below the rim) and doing the Desert View Drive.

Canyon Views. There were lots of signs so I should know the name of this peak.


Zaph wanted to get a better view of the canyon.

The Watchtower designed by Mary Colter. She worked hard to make the buildings fit the environment and the culture. A spiral staircase led you to the top floor where the views were wonderful.

The inside of the watch tower was decorated with Indian paintings and drawings.

We like gnarly (spell checker doesn't like this --- if it's not a word it should be) trees

The Colorado River running through the canyon.

Tusayan Ruins --- an artists rendition of what the native homes may have looked like and what's left now

It was raining lightly and we caught a faint rainbow.

It rained lightly while we were walking, then started hailing --- small stuff but still large enough that we hid under a tree during the worst of it --- then snow when we got back to the trailer