This morning we toured Harlingen. First stop was St. Michael Kerk.

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The inside of the church was a little simpler than some of the churches we've seen but the stained glass window are amazing.

Harlingen is on the Wadden Sea, so there are lots of sea going vessels and some smaller ones. The buildings in the background are newer but are very interesting in style

A fishing boat and a couple of tall ships.

I think this is a lighthouse and control center. There were no cruise ships in port but there were luggage carts and gantries.

Some more tall ships. It would be fun to be here when the ships sail out of the harbour.

Can't be a day in Holland without a photo of a canal.

Leaving Harlingen we drove over the Afsluitdijk (don't ask me to pronounce it). The Afsluitdijk is a major dam and causeway running from Friesland province to North Holland Province. It has an overall length of 32 kilometers and a width of 90 meters. There are 2 bridges, one at each end to allow ships to enter the lakes. While you are driving on the Afsluitdijk, it looks and feels like you are driving on a road beside a lake with a hill on the other side of the road. There's a spot where you can stop and drive down to the water where you get a different perspective.

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The photo on the left is from the waters edge looking down the dijk. The photo on the right depicts the job of placing rock/concrete pieces at the waters edge.

A 2 year project of re-enforcing the dijk started in April. The cones needed for the project appear to be jail.

We heard there were some nice sand dunes the coast near Den Helder. We were a little shocked at what we found - the beach was paved. I think it might have been high tide thus hiding the sand. That's all pavement you can see.

We found the dunes.

Following a paved path we crossed over the sand dunes to the beach. It was much more beach like here.

As we walked back to the car we ended up on the paved beach again.

We wanted to make sure that we saw the north sea, so we stopped at a small beach town as we made our way to Alkmaar and our hotel.

This was definitely more like the beaches we know.