Ed wasn't so happy today, the cold he thought he was getting over came back with a vengeance, so he decided to postpone his birthday celebrations.

Our neighbors, Glenn and Linda went to Brownsville today so their dog, Gypsy, spent the day with us.

Now Ed has really gone to the dogs.

Early in the week we had purchased a brisket with plans to smoke it early in the week. Unfortunately, both John and Ed were both under the weather so the smoking was postponed to Friday night. John wanted to try a method of cooking brisket that he had been told about ---- smoke the brisket for 4 to 6 hours, wrap in foil and cook in an oven on low heat overnight. At 5:30 Friday evening the brisket was put on the smoker where it stayed to 11:30pm at which time it was wrapped in foil and put in the roasting pan.

Quick peak at the meat smoking.

Finished smoking --- time to wrap in foil.

About 8:30am John and Carol came over and we unwrapped the brisket. Um, um good, very tender and moist ---- we had to taste it.

As part of the experiment, we also cooked some pork tenderloin though it was only smoked for three hours. We were wondering if it would be overcooked and unfortunately it was. Very tasty but a little dry.

The meat was wrapped in foil and place in a cooler bag with towels to keep it warm. This worked really well as the meat was still very warm when we served it at 5 for dinner. Seven of us (plus 2 dogs) converged in the trailer and enjoyed a delicious supper.
