Tonight is fun night. Some brave people from the park get on the stage and try to make the rest of us laugh and tonight they were very successful. Thanks for the photos Jim --- we forgot to take a camera with us.

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When Ed's name was called to go up on the stage he was a little more than shocked. Five guys were called up and given the simple instruction that they were to move right one chair when the MC said right and to move one chair to the left when the MC said left. The MC then proceeded to read a Christmas story about the "Wright" family. Only a few collisions and a couple of times more than one guy tried to sit on a the same chair.

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This lovely lady is turning 100 this year. She told us some wonderful stories. She doesn't drive down here but still drives at home.

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Four people were given the task of building snowmen. The pair on the left came up with a pretty good looking snow woman. The pair on the right came up with a snowman from the Black Lagoon. The cushions tied around the "snowman's" waist kept falling down.

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The audience had a great time.