Stopped by the office this morning to see if there was any mail for us. I was expecting a bill but instead received two good pieces of mail. One contained 2 gift cards for dog food. The store I buy Zaph's dog food was out of the "dog rolls" I always buy and the clerks there thought they weren't carrying it anymore. As Zaph really likes them I e-mailed the manufacturer to ask why the store wasn't carrying it any more and where I could buy it in the valley. A few days later I received a call from the manufacturer's rep who said there was a computer glich but the store would be carrying it in the future and to compensate me for my troubles he would send me a gift card for a roll of dog food and a second gift card for a bag of dry dog food.

The second piece of mail was from Zaph's uncle Jack. There was an early birthday card for me and a bandanna for Zaph.
