Our friends, Jack and Lori, are in the process of cleaning out Lori's parent's home. It was a rental and they have to the end of June to empty the house. Today was step 1 ... moving the pieces of furniture Lori wants to keep and moving lots of boxes. Some to keep and some for a garage sale.

Packed up and ready to go.

At Jack and Lori's house and ready to unload.

Jack and Lori are having a new garage built --- the inside was completed enough to house all of the garage sale boxes.

One of the items Lori brought home was a wardrobe (a big heavy awkward to move wardrobe) and she wanted it put on the 2nd floor. Jack and Lori have a very nice house but it is an older Victorian home with an older Victorian stairway. The wardrobe was carried into the foyer without too much trouble. What followed was not as much fun .... turn right with wardrobe tilted get under the doorway, as you climbed one step onto a small landing right the wardrobe. Turn right again, this time up three or four steps and onto a second landing, turn right again and up eight or nine steps to the second floor. What added to the fun was that the wardrobe filled all of the available space so the guys had a really hard time maneuvering it. Suggested that the wardrobe be included with the house if they ever sell.