It's interesting to watch how snow melts. We had a lot of caves and bridges this year.

This bridge is almost gone, and sure enough in a couple of hours it was. (April 7)

This appears to be a spring hobby for a lot of Walkertonions --- move the snow back onto the driveway in hopes that it will melt. (April 8)

Finally on April 8th, the front roof is clear of snow! Still a bit of snow on the east and north sides.

Proof positive that spring is coming. The snow left a corner of one of my gardens and this plant didn't waste anytime making an appearance. Think they are tulips. (April 9)

Ed decided to take up the Walkerton hobby and broke into the tall snowbanks on the side of the driveway. (April 10)

.... and it worked. Still some snow and ice but at a much nicer height. (April 14)

Zaph's new best friend. Dustin, our neighbours grandson was out exploring the neighbourhood. One of the words he knows is "dog" and it was used a lot today.