Busy few days. Company on Suday --- amazing smoked ribs, pickle ball demo on the road and bridge. It's been a long time since I played bridge and it was great to play it again. Up to Anne and Victor's house on Monday --- as I reap harvest from Anne's gardens I help to plant and weed. Don't think I do my share but I try. Dirt arrived Tuesday morning at the water garden, where as a volunteer I take care of two the beds. Luckily, it didn't take too long to weed and dig the dirt into the beds as the skies opened and rain came down. Later Tuesday afternoon Caity arrived along with John and Carol. We took it easy and had a good visit. One day the weather was nice so the Miata came out of the garage. Another day John cooked us Venison steaks that he had brought with him.

Caity and Ed snuggling.

Double decker snoozing.