Rob needed a bit of help on a project he was working on at the cottage, so we drove up so Ed could help. While the boys were working, Ellen and I took Zaph for a walk and ended up at the beach ... are you surprised? Zaph dragged us to his normal spot at one end of the beach and marched into the water. I found a stick on the beach and threw it for Zaph. He fetched it but mostly seemed interested in sitting on the beach to chew the stick. At the other end of the beach was a couple with a younger than Zaph golden retriever. Ellen and I both thought this dog was acting like the Zaph of a few years ago. As Zaph wasn't real keen on playing, we walked down the beach to say hello to the other people. Did that change things. A few years dropped off Zaph and he started prancing around with the stick, happily splashed into the water to fetch the stick, and stole the other golden's flying squirrel (it's a cloth frisbee made to look like a squirrel). Pretty sure Zaph was showing off for the other dog. Yup, Zaph slept for the rest of the day and evening.