The Intermediate Provincial Curling Championships were held at the Walkerton Golf and Curling Club this year. Ed and I don't know a lot about curling (we tried it out one day last winter) but thought as it was in town that we would go check it out. We decided to watch the ladies as a Walkerton team was playing.

Four games were played at the same time but when Ed took this photo two games had already ended. Walkerton is in black and red jackets. The club recently installed cameras over the houses (circles) so the people in the viewing area can see the activity in the house. Made the game easier to follow as a spectator.

These two teams tided so they played an extra end which was very exciting to watch. Both teams used bank shots to position their stones and move the oppositions stones.

Rob bought an old radio at an auction sale and as Ed loves tinkering with old radios he said he'd look at it. What I like is that Ed is actually using old books and test equipment that we have saved for years.