not the one you drive on, the one you play.

What a beautiful day today was. I have never seen as many tractors working in the fields as I did today on our drive to Kitchener. I even saw a couple of horse drawn plows in a field.

Bob, Gwen, Ed and I met at Jack and Lori's house. We had a good visit and ate some delicious food. Gwen, Jack, Lori and I also managed to sneak in several hands of bridge. It was a lot of fun especially the hands with very odd distribution. Gwen had a hand with all black cards and nine of the thirteen cards were clubs.

It only took a couple of days of cream and cone wearing for Zaph's feet and legs to start healing. The hair is even starting to grow back. Happily, whatever started the problem has gone away. Zaph's limp is also getting less.