The evergreens at the front of the house are getting too large for the spot they are in plus they were winter burned a couple of winters ago. The dead area was on the backside of the tree so we gave it some time to regenerate but it just didn't happen. Since there's been a lot of rain lately, Ed thought he'd try the easy way of removing the trees --- pull them out with the truck.

Turned out to be an easy way to do the job.

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A little work with the chain saw and the tree remains were ready to be taken to the burn pile at the dump. Our neighbour was also hard at work --- some guys just can't wait for the leaves to fall off the trees.

Since we were on a roll we decided to pull two shrubs between our house and a neighbours. The shrubs make it hard to walk down that side of the house and there is no aesthetic value. The first shrub just popped out of the ground when the truck gave a pull. The second shrub was a little more obstinate --- actually a lot more obstinate. The truck was pulling, the ground was beginning to move and the tow strap broke. We had put an old moving blanket over the strap and the energy from the strap breaking shredded the blanket.

Don't let the size of the bush fool you .... there's a lot of roots under it. I think it's a relative of the lilac ---- lots of runners. At one point I had let the bush get out of control and it was about 10 feet tall and pretty much filled the space between the two houses. The bushes sentence has been put on hold and in the spring we'll decide if it is commuted or if we try again.

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We had about 14 trick or treaters this year ... about the normal amount. Dustin was visiting his grandparents and made a trek around the neighbourhood.