The other day Ed and I saw a group of people heading out on a kayaking tour of the mangroves off Sombrero Beach. Watching them paddle out made us long to go kayaking, so we found a place that rents kayaks and today we are going on our own kayaking adventure.

When we said we kayak at home, we were given that "st-on-top" kayaks that were a little less stable but more maneuverable.

Starting down a mangrove channel. The mangrove channels were very narrow in spots with low hanging branches and high roots making it almost impossible to paddle.

A couple from Wisconsin were also out kayaking. We met up with them in the mangrove channel. Between their map and our GPS we were able to get through the channel and find a geocache.

Yup, Ed found a geocache. The people we rented the kayaks from were impressed that we found our way to cache.

We saw a number of egrets, ibis and little herons as well as fish and jellyfish like this one. The woman from Wisconsin had a manatee surface a couple of feet from her kayak.

Cormorants were sunning near the dock.

Katie enjoyed sitting outside with Ed.