Once again we attended the Cinderella Carriage Car Show at Pumpkinfest in Port Elgin. This year the weather was perfect --- sunny and about 20 degrees (68F for you non-celsius people). The show deserved a beautiful weekend as the weather has been pretty awful the last few years. The show is on both the Saturday and Sunday. We opted to go on the Sunday which means fewer cars but also fewer people. Apparently, on the Saturday the roads were full of cars but you could barely walk down the street. Ed would not have been a happy camper as crowds aren't his thing.

Like the contrast, old sheriff car with new police officers. The fellows who brought the car were dressed in old sheriff uniforms.

In the last couple of years the cars on display include newer hot cars. We talked to the owner of this corrvette for awhile. This car puts out 1300 horse power if he runs it on methanol, 1000 horse power if he runs it on regular gasoline. He also had a nitrous oxide bottle in the back for those times when he really wants it to go.

Now this is an oldie.

Another relatively new car. Victor admiring the Ferrari. The car has an appropriate license plate ARMNLEG.