The forecast for today sounded pretty good so it was off to Hopewell Rocks. The day started with some fog, you could see the rocks but not the coast across the water, and ended with sun.

I'll start with the animals and birds we saw. Squirrels raced paced us a few times and then one guy decided to pose.


Before we walked down to the beach a park interpreter told us to look for the Peregrine Falcon chicks, so we did and we saw them and Ed got some photos.


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The horizontal photo shows 3 of the 4 chicks sitting on a ledge. The two verticals are enlargements from the horizontal photo ---- the bird on the left and the bird on the right. We saw a lot of wing flapping and heard a lot of crying. I think they are almost ready to start flying.

Lastly, a birder pointed out what we think is a Yellow Throated Vireo (she told us what it was but none of us remembered). The bird was surrounded by a lot of branches but Ed did manage to get a photo of it with it's head back singing away.


Now to the rocks.
The iconic photo of Hopewell Rocks at low tide.

The same location as above but at high tide.

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A couple of rocks.

I thought it was unusual to see a pointy rock.

The tide is starting to come in.

Looking down on one of the coves at high tide. Same cove as the previous photo.

Around the bend from the rocks are the mud flats that attract hundreds of thousands of birds from mid July till the end of August. It's suppose to be amazing.

One of the "things to do" at the park is to kayak at high tide. We could this group about ready to head out.

There was a beautiful bed of lupins in the parking lot and I couldn't resist taking a few photos.