Ed and I decided to go for a hike today and picked the trail in Cape Smoky Provincial Park. A trail guide book at the Airbnb said the trail was 11 km long and a rating of 3. It said a rating of 1 or 2 was for novice hikers and ratings of 4 and 5 were a lot more challenging, so we figured we would be good with a rating 3. It turned out the hike was more than 12.6 km and either with didn't understand was a rating of 3 was or the rating has changed since the book was printed.

Some parts of the trail were easy walking others were a little harder. Oh yeah, lots of steep hills and boggy spots.

Cape Smoky is the highest peak you actually drive up and over, so there were some great views looking down over the side.

We weren't sure if the boat was pulling the lobster traps out or putting the traps in. I don't know what fishing area we're in so I don't know what's in season.

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The sign reads "Wish Tree, Make a Wish, Place a penny for a peaceful world where everyone is Equal". Looks like a lot of quarters are in the tree.

Ed added a coin. Some peace in the world would be good right now.


The view from the end of the trail.

After the hike we found a beach and went for a short relaxing walk.

