Monday was the fourth day in a row of bad weather, but it wasn't a wasted day --- Ed cleaned his office. Those of you that know Ed well know that this is a major undertaking. The fronts have changed and we're now in store for a few days of sunny warm weather. As it's October we can't really complain.

Today is siding day. I asked both Victor and Rob to help Ed today ---- I really wanted to get the siding done. As Victor is good with metal he got to put the metal cladding over the door frame, while Ed and Rob worked on the siding. Rob was finding the 12 foot lengths of siding to be a bit of a pain to be handling by himself so I was drafted as a helper. Think it was also a ruse to get me out of slave driver mode --- it worked. The siding is done ... well except for the two pieces we were short.


There really is a floor, desk and table in the Ed's office.