oh, and me too! Yup same day, just six years apart.

I had a really nice day --- lots of birthday greetings, played pickleball, snowshoed with Ed and Victor, was spoiled with an amazing seafood dinner cooked by my friend Anne and on the way home Ed and I saw a meteorite entering the earth's atmosphere. It was fairly large and had a bright tail for the approximately two seconds it lasted.

Victor and a friend of Victor's own adjoining farm properties that have a woods and a creek. This gave us lots of places to snowshoe.

Spring is trying to come. The last time we snowshoed at Victors the creek was frozen solid. There's been enough warm days that the ice is starting to crack and in some places break up.

Some wild turkeys discovered Anne's bird feeder a few weeks ago. Two turkeys have decided that it's a good thing and keep coming back.

Anne, Victor and Ed were nice to me and only lit one candle. I thought that was plenty plus it was easier to blow out.