

Wildlife and Flowers

Today we were going to look for wildlife and as luck would have it we saw some though not as much as Ed hoped for. Guess we should have gotten up earlier!

A Sandhill Crane family.

A petrified tree.

A pretty purple flower --- I need to spend some time reading our wildflower book.

A field of pretty yellow flowers.

We stopped at a pull off to watch a herd of Bison down in a valley. There was a lone Bison across the road and up a hill. He slowly made his way down the hill, crossed the road and headed straight for the wooden guard rail. He happily scratched his back and chin while 20 people backed up and watched. When he finished scratching he headed about 40 feet down the hill then stopped and rolled around in the dirt. That's a piece of grass on his face not a hair on the photo.

There was a herd of Bison, several Pronghorns (antelope) and this coyote in the valley.

This guy was ripping vegetation of the side of a hill by a road. (I think he's a young bighorn sheep).

A Black Bear. We had stopped to look at a black bear high on a hill sleeping by a tree. When we walked back to the truck we saw this guy down the hill.

A herd of Elk.

Soda Butte.

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