Saturday, August 06, 2005

Construction Blues

Luckily the campground in Glennallen had a check out time of 1:00pm — that gave us time to catch up on internet stuff. We had planned on driving further than Tok but the hour going through the construction area wore us out. Tonight’s stop was at the Tok River State Recreation Area – a lovely campground on a river. Zaph, of course, wanted to go swimming but this was vetoed due to the silty river’s incredibly fast current. In the campground, was a very interesting vehicle parked in an adjacent campsite -- instead of the more common map of Canada and the US showing where it had been there was a world map!! We also met a woman traveling to Alaska on her own to visit family and had a very interesting chat with her after supper.

Unique camper that is travelling the world.

Margaret, Joanne (the woman we met at the campground) and myself.

Another use for a dog ... coffee cup holder.

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