Monday, August 15, 2005

Yukon Discovery Day

What we discovered was that most of the stores were closed for the Yukon holiday of Discovery Day. Ed and I had planned on hair cuts (desperately needed) but that didn’t happen. There didn’t appear to be any events planned in Whitehorse for the day and with most everything closed we decided to move on. Mukluk Annie’s was our next planned stop. All four of us had all already decided what we were ordering for supper (even me!). Major disappointment when we arrived — they were closed for Discovery Day too. Our assumption that a business dependent on tourists would remain open every day they could was incorrect. We decided to camp at Mukluk Annie’s anyway (it was free and mostly empty) and they did open in time for breakfast the next morning. When we went into the restaurant we understood why they didn’t need to be open for Discovery Day — at least 3/4 of the merchandise that had been packed in the restaurant when we were there in June was gone. It looked like their summer had been profitable. Mukluk Annie’s is on Teslin Lake and yes Zaph did manage to convince us that he could have a swim.

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