Sunday, October 30, 2005
Ed Gambles
We spent a couple of days doing regular life stuff and Ed has started sorting through the more than 9,000 photos he took for the video slide show he wants to make. We decided it was time to see the “strip”, so Colin, Margaret, Ed and I drove to Freemont Street – the “old strip”. We wandered through the casinos, played a few slot machines, bought a couple of 99 cent margaritas and watched the show on the street. As far as gambling goes Margaret is the “wild” one, she brought a bag of nickels and lost them all — must have been 3 or 4 dollars. Colin is next as he also had a stash of nickels that he lost — he got smart with his dimes and spent them on Margaritas! Ed lived on the edge — he gambled 2 dimes he had plus 2 nickels I gave him. I lost $2. The casinos aren’t going to make much off of us!!! The light show was great — there is a screen made of thousands of light bulbs over Freemont Street and they show a 10 minute video every hour during the evening. On the way back to the trailer we drove down the “new” strip — it looked just like it does on TV. — we’ll have to go back and have a good look around, maybe even gamble.

A view on the "old strip"

The lightshow on Freemont Street

The Luxor Casino

Excalibur casino

Ceasars Palice
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