Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Interesting Rocks
Back at the RV park, Ed took Zaph for a walk. A group of parents and kids from Indiana had arrived — Zaph happily joined the group of kids for pets and a walk down to the river. Guess who went in!

Now that's a neat rock.

Another neat rock.

One of the many interesting canyons along the road.

The view walking into one of the canyons.

Even though it was warm the leaves were still changing colour.

Another interesting rock --- they were all different.

Zaph and Frances enjoying the view.

One of the many intersting mountains.

The rock structures were facinating --- at least to us.

The trail went under a huge overhang --- that's Frances standing under the rock.

The trees were very gnarley.

A view of the canyon. If you look closely you can see the road windy down the mountain.

The "Crawford Arch" though it really is a natural bridge. We saw a fabulous photo from the 1930's that should a man walking on it.
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