Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Off to Lardeau
Today we headed for Lardeau — the town (there’s about 20 homes there and not much else) where Rick and Bonnie own a lot and are planning on building a log home (the house in Boswell has been sold and closes at the end of the month). The trip included driving 30 kms to the ferry, 35 minutes on the ferry, and then driving 60 kms to Lardeau. All this and we are still on Kotenay Lake just on the other side at the other end! Rick and Bonnie currently have a travel trailer sitting on the lot and we had hoped that the 2 fifth wheel trailers would fit as well. Unfortunately, Ed didn’t think the spot set aside for us would work very well (not flat enough — most of the lot is on a slope) so we drove down the road about 5 km and parked in a very nice provincial park. As it turned out, after October 1st it was free to stay in the park — now that was a nice surprise. It wasn’t very busy so we got a lakeside site with an absolutely fantastic view.
Over the next couple of days we drove around the area checking out the sites that included a hydro dam, a fish spawning area, the town of Nelson and one of the muddiest roads I have ever seen — Ed didn’t argue when I suggested we turn around.

Kootenay Lake from the lost ledge Provincial park looking south

Kootenay lake from the park looking north

Kootenay lake at Kaslo

At Ricks and Bonnies trailer

Campfire's nice

a duck on Duncan lake just north of Kootenay lake

fish spawning near Duncan lake
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