Monday, October 24, 2005
Shuttle Buses
At Bryce Canyon you were on top of the plateau looking down into the canyon, at Zion you are on the canyon floor looking up. There are a lot of hiking opportunities here but as we only planned to stay 2 days we stuck to the short trails. The animals are pretty use to people — we saw a buck, a doe and 2 fawns. They were quite happy to go about their business not far from the path. A squirrel almost ran over Ed’s foot.
Zion does have one trail that you can walk dogs on — it’s not in the main canyon but does follow the Virgin River and the highway that goes across the park. Zaph needed a walk anyway so we decided to do this trail — a nice 4 mile walk (including the ½ mile to and from the campground). I was pretty beat by the time I finished this trail — it would have been easier on me if Zaph could have hiked with us during the day.

The three patriarchs --- Abraham, Issac and Jacob

Another inch and I'll reach the itch.

Hmmm, I wonder if this is a miniature dinasour.

The weeping rock.

A view of the Virgin River.

Sunset view of the cliff.

Pretty rocks.

Another view in the park.
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