Sunday, December 04, 2005
Golfing Dogs?
We spent a few days getting to know where everything is in Yuma. We’ve managed to find the post office, two Wal-marts, Home Depot, grocery stores, a big flea market and lots of other places. Yuma is actually fairly easy to get around except for the roads with multiple names. The people are very friendly here and appear to obey stop signs and traffic lights — I like this place a lot better than Las Vegas already.
Zaph has been loving the dog park and heads that way every time we let him out of the trailer. A lot of dogs arrive at the dog park in golf carts — they sit patiently in the golf cart till they arrive then hop out and do their thing. Poor Zaph will have to continue walking to the dog park.
When Zaph and I headed over to the dog park on Saturday morning a fellow was riding a golf cart around the park ringing the breakfast triangle reminding everyone of the pancake breakfast. Ed, Colin and I (Margaret has the flu and decided to pass) headed over to the ballroom to try out the breakfast which I think was put on by the social committee – all the scrambled eggs, sausages and blueberry pancakes you could eat. We had a nice visit with a fellow from Saskatchewan who has been coming to this park for over 12 years. The RV park has a lot of social events.
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