Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!!!
The past week has been pretty quiet. We visited the two flea markets in town, did some regular shopping and believe it or not Ed and I actually ventured out onto the tennis courts. We've attempted to play tennis a few times now and are actually improving with each visit. The biggest adventure was Margaret and my hunt for a fresh turkey. We tried 4 different groceries stores and no fresh turkeys — lots of chickens and turkey breasts but no turkeys. Ok one store did have a fresh turkey in a fellows grocery cart but he had ordered it a month ago and we couldn't convince him to sell it to us. Margaret asked at the meat counter and no they hadn't ordered any extra fresh turkeys. We were ready to settle for a frozen turkey but couldn't find anything less than 25 pounds and there were only a couple of those. A nice 7 pound fresh chicken was purchased instead. Colin was very disappointed that there wasn't going to be turkey for Christmas that he decided to go out in search of one. Of course he found a nice 15 pound frozen turkey at Sam's Club (Margaret and I totally forgot about Sam's Club). The turkey was deep fried ---- mmmmm good!

Arizona Zaphod wishes you a merry Christmas

Look what I got, nice ball... eh?

What? Why are you looking at me with a grin?

Mom??? why do I have to get dressed up to go visit next door?

everyone's a copycat
If you wish you can sign our guest book