Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Santa in a Golf Cart?
We spent the weekend hanging around the trailer doing the usual stuff. Zaph didn't mind it though as he convinced us to go to the dog park a lot. Tuesday evening was the Park's Golf Cart Parade — people decorated their golf carts and drove through park. Zaph got into the spirit of things by putting on his santa hat and standing at the end of our site watching the golf carts go by. After the parade was a carol sing complete with hot chocolate (one pot had be fortified with schnapps). Our neighbor is definitely into Christmas with lots of decorations and lights, making our single Christmas decoration looks at little sad compared to theirs.

Zaph gets his picture taken with Santa (our neighbour).

One of the decorated golf carts. Our neighbours yard is in the background.

Another golf cart.

Singers at the "piddle patch pavilion
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