Thursday, December 08, 2005
Solar Energy at Work
One of the benefits of being retired is you don't necessarily have a schedule that you have to adhere to. Ed decided that we could spread our anniversary celebration out over three days. We went to Mexico on the 5th, had dinner out on the 6th and went to see the latest Harry Potter movie on the 7th. It was nice not trying to do everything in one day. The Harry Potter movies seem to be getting scarier to me --- given the people who were in the audience when we went the movie is definitely aimed at an adult audience.
One of our neighbours in the park told us about a walking trail near the river where they take their dog, so we decided to take Zaph and see what it was like. What we found was a park that is in the process of being built along the river. It's going to be very pretty when it is finished .... they built a pond, a hummingbird garden and a solar garden. Ed found the solar garden very interesting. It is a series of approximately 20 banks of solar panels that follow the sun in the sky. A man from the company that installed the panels happened to be taking some pictures and offered to answer any of our questions --- silly man (we had lots of questions). Arizona is an ideal place for solar power as they have an incredible number of sunny days in a year.

this field of solar panel track the sun, and is claimed to capture enough power for 25 homes (if such homes go easy on the power usage that is)
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