Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Surviving Spring Break .... So Far

As Mustang Island is a “beach destination” it is a major destination for Texas Spring Breakers. We had been told a few horror stories about how busy it is here during Spring Break, but so far it hasn’t been too bad — maybe when you expect the absolute worse ....The highway is busier, the ferry wait is longer but not outrageous, and the beach is more entertaining. The beach southwards from our RV park is not too bad just a few extra kids. But the beach northwards.... there’s a lot of driving up and down the beach, honking horns, playing loud music and having a good time. If their not driving, they are parked and encouraging those driving to dig holes in the sand by spinning their tires.

We’ve spent the time taking Zaph to the beach or checking out various birding areas. Are you tired of bird pictures yet?

Weather has been mostly been 20-25C during the day, however the humidity has been all over the map, most days have been very humid (>95% RH), but with an occasional dry day tossed in to keep things sane.

The real meaning behind "sticking ones neck out" .... Least Bittern

"keeping a low profile". The Least Bittern can stretch his neck out quite far when he is looking for food.

A flock of Roseate Spoonbill's

This is one handsome devil --- a Roseate Spoonbill up close and personal.

The beach is busier now that spring break is here.

Is this a scene from the Alfred Hitchcock movie "Birds"?

Long-billed Curlew

A Marbled Godwit

This car was left on the beach

These two ships passed in the channel and nearly swapped us out with a wave.

A Great Blue Heron nesting.

Spring is here --- the flowers are starting to bloom!

A sparrow --- we're not sure which one though

The sky is full of pigeons and gulls. We stopped at a "use to be a" pond where a man feeds the birds. He said the family joke is that he is spending his kid's inheritence on bird seed!

Coming in for a Landing! Black-bellied Whistling Ducks.

Hey! Move over --- this is my dining spot! The Black-bellied Whistling Ducks come by the hundreds for the morning feeding.

Looks like the free food is gone.

Time to head out for the days activities.

Northern Shoveler

Greater Yellowlegs --- don't you just love how they name the birds.

Black Skimmer

Roseate Spoonbill in flight

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron

Who's the better fisherman? This Heron is waiting to grab any fish the fisherman catches.

beautiful pictures.
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