

Hard Work

Our friends Anne and Victor arrived early this morning to help with drywalling the workshop. Now you're asking yourself why we're doing the drywall and how in the world did we con them to help us. Well we're doing it to save money and conning them into helping was actually quite easy --- the memory of us helping them on their house last summer is still fresh and they are still grateful. When the dry wall was delivered on Friday a loaner dry wall lifter also arrived. This is an extremely helpful tool when you are installing drywall on the ceiling. In fact, I think it may have saved a couple of lives and at least one marriage (mine). By 7pm we had all of the ceiling drywall up and had started on the walls. It's a bigger job than I thought especially when the person doing the measuring (Ed) is used to working with with small things (computer boards) where precision is a necessity not a pain in the .....

The drywall lifter in action. Victor was fastening the drywall in place well the rest of us started organizing the next piece.

Anne, hold that piece in place. It'll only be a couple of minutes to the guys break is up.

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