

Zaph's Birthday Celebration

Zaph's 8th birthday was on July 11th, but he didn't get his special birthday treat till today --- an afternoon on the beach in Kincardine. There was a fair bit of wind resulting in higher than normal waves though this didn't phase Zaph a bit --- I guess the time he spent on the ocean taught him how to deal with big waves, keep your head up and swim on top of the wave. We were happy to see that the area of beach we were on was popular with dogs ---- there were at least a half a dozen dogs and their owners on the beach at one time.

There were lots of sailboats enjoying the wind.

So sad .... all that was left of Ed and Zaph were a pair of shoes and a stick.

Good throw Ed! Go get it Zaph!

At one point Zaph had a friend helping him.

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